Milan Schools are closed today, Friday, February 7. This is an eLearning day.
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
We thank our amazing counselors: Mrs. Mutz, Mrs. Healy, Mrs. Schwering, and Mrs. Schwing Stamper for the many ways they support us everyday. National School Counselors Week. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Milan Community School Corporation was recognized by Project Tomorrow as A Speak Up District of Honor and a Speak Up District of Student Empowerment. We thank our students, parents, and staff for participating in the Speak Up Survey in December. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Indians come up short tonight. 39-49. Seniors good luck with your future endeavors. Underclassmen take a break and then time to get back to work.
about 5 years ago, Milan Middle/Intermediate School
At the half the lady Indians trail South Ripley 23-11.
about 5 years ago, Milan Middle/Intermediate School
Milan Middle and Intermediate students have voted for their latest Star Staffer. Congratulations to Mrs. Jones! Students voted for her because they say she is not only a great teacher, but nice and funny. #weRmilan #MilanStarStaff
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Star Staff- Mrs. Jones
Lots of spirit at tonight’s game! Elementary cheerleaders performed at half time. Then a big conference win! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Welcome Heidi Bronzatti to Milan! She is from Brazil and is visiting our schools as part of the Bilateral Teacher Exchange Program. Mrs. Small-Summers is her host and will visit Brazil this summer. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Here is the link to SuperChat. Hear about our JAG program, scheduling, and more!
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Now this is a leader! Greeting, holding the door, and reading! @TheLeaderinMe #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Student greeter
The great sounds of our Jazz Band welcoming students to school is the best way to start a fun Friday of learning! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Jazz band
Jazz band
It’s 100 Day! Pre-K is celebrating by looking like they just turned 100 years old! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Milan Robotics competed this evening in the Southeast Indiana Robotics League. The growth of skills in the program is astounding. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Young engineers
Robotics team
Robotics club
Congrats Bryson Harris. First place in the archery qualifier Saturday! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Score sheet
Congratulations Bryson Harris!! Overall top archer this weekend with a personal best of 293 out of 300!!!!
about 5 years ago, Milan Middle/Intermediate School
Congrats! Milan boys swim team finishes in 1st place today and girls finish in second by 3 points in the ORVC Conference meet at Switz Co. Excellent job Swimmers and coaches. Photo is of seniors on Senior Night. #weRmilan.
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
A reminder that school is in session Monday, January 20.
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Third and fourth grade teams played at half time of the games tonight. Good job boys! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Good luck to Milan’s Archery team at the state qualifier meet Saturday. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Milan logo
Milan Robotics presented at the school board meeting. They demonstrated how to build, program, and compete. Impressive! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools