Great crowd for the first Milan football game. Go Indians. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Pat Murphy - Superintendent
Milan Football Game
Milan Middle and Intermediate Schools would like to thank the Ruth and Chester Baylor foundation for their generous donation to help Milan continue our Leader in Me program. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Pat Murphy - Superintendent
More pictures from this morning's Character Counts breakfast.
about 5 years ago, Pat Murphy - Superintendent
Character Counts Week
Character Counts Week
Milan Community Schools kicks off Character Counts week providing a wonderful breakfast for our valued community members. Great job to all of our students and our school counselors for their leadership today, being proactive and synergizing to provide a great morning.
about 5 years ago, Pat Murphy - Superintendent
Character Counts Weel
Character Counts week
It’s the first Leader in Me Monday Morning Meeting of the year at MES. Great way to start the week! #lim #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Students talking on a mic
Students holding certificates
Students being honored
Milan Intermediate and Middle School staffs engaging in some awesome goal setting activities during PLC today using the Leader in Me process.
about 5 years ago, Pat Murphy - Superintendent
Milan is now offering a semester long course for middle school students for High School credit. 8th Grade students officially began Unit 1 of Introduction to Computer Science. Students work through problem solving, collaboration, and iterative thinking as they design an aluminum boat that will hold the most marbles. We had almost 200 in one boat! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Student conducts experiments
Students using marbles in experiment.
Wednesdays are early dismissal days at all Milan Schools so teachers can learn! Parents, watch for your child to be home 30 minutes early every Wednesday starting tomorrow. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Students greeted every morning by other students at MES. Great way to start the day! #lim #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Students enter school.
Here is the link to the August Super Chat featuring our principals introducing new staff and discussing the upcoming year. Thanks for listening. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Milan logo
The halls at MIS and MMS are full again! Glad to have our students back. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Students in hallway
Students in hallway
Here we go! Ready for a fantastic year! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Bus in front of school
Welcome Back Students! Let’s make 19-20 a fantastic year of learning! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Welcome back photo
The playground is ready for MES students thanks to volunteers from Bridge of Hope. They spread mulch on the playground. Looks good! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Swing set
Thanks to Ripley County Community Foundation for the grant to support Leader in Me.
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Me. Murphy given a check.
Thanks to Rising Sun Regional Foundation and the Baylor Foundation for providing grant funds to purchase new door locks for MIS, MMS, and MHS. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Teacher using new key card to open door.
Ribbon cutting for the new Tele-Health Clinic at MES. Thanks to a grant from IN Rural Health Assoc and Margaret Mary Hospital, all Milan students will have access to enhanced care. # weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Ribbon cutting for Tele-health clinic.
You know it’s time for school to start when Tech Tribe sorts Chromebooks to give to students. We’re ready for Thursday! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Sorting Chromebooks
Sorting Chromebooks
Today we welcome back teachers and staff as we prepare for the first student day on Thursday. It’s going to be a fantastic year! #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Milan Community Schools
Flowers in a sunny field to welcome back staff.
Looking forward to meeting your family at Open House at all schools Tuesday, August 6 from 3:30-7:00 p.m. #weRmilan
about 5 years ago, Jane Rogers
Welcome Back to School Image